One of the Church's eminent scholars in Church history passed away this week. Robert J. Matthews legitimized the Joseph Smith Translation (formerly referred to as the "Inspired Version") when he was permitted access to the Community of Christ (formerly The Reorganized Church) archives. Matthews was instrumental in enthroning the translation in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints canon, and many footnotes are now embedded in the Bible referencing the JST. When I was a young man teaching the Elders' Quorum, making reference to the Inspired Version was nearly considered heresy because we were never certain in those days about whether the Reorganized Church had been faithful to the manuscript in their possession. It was Robert J. Matthews who verified and cross-checked the original documents, eventually laying to rest all doubts. I have always appreciated his monumental contribution, and wanted to honor him today on my blog with the link to the story appearing in today's Deseret News about his life and his legacy.
In addition to everything else this great and unassuming man was, he was my uncle, a wonderful uncle, and will be much missed. Thanks for your nice article.