
About the time Preach My Gospel was first introduced to the Church in 2004, I had a son serving in Brazil and a daughter serving in New Hampshire. I well remember how excited they were to receive it, and I also remember what a quantum leap forward I believed it would represent. There was a steep learning curve as the Brethren "raised the bar" for missionary service and President Hinckley reportedly lamented as he saw the number of converts baptisms take a dip. He lived long enough, however, to see the trend line begin to rise again. I agree with President Boyd K. Packer's assessment of Preach My Gospel: "It was designed beyond the veil and put together here.”
For two years while serving on the high council it was my assignment to work with the ward mission leaders and full-time missionaries. President Steve Laney of the Utah Salt Lake City South Mission and Elder Michael Holmes, our Area Seventy, were directing the work at that time, and they were a powerful duo. It was always inspiring to be in their presence and receive their inspired direction and counsel.
During the course of that assignment I trained the missionaries extensively on the contents of Preach My Gospel at our weekly meetings. On occasion I also had the opportunity to train prospective missionaries in our stake. Elder Coombs, one of the senior couple missionaries in the mission and under the direction of President Laney, compiled a list of all the scriptures cited in Preach My Gospel, then I added a brief description of each scripture. What follows is the result of those efforts. It is hoped it may prove to be a useful gospel resource for those who are interested. This list really represents the ultimate scripture chain. Every home in the Church should have this valued resource and all members of every family could profit by utilizing it as a study guide to the scriptures. Print out this list, then use it!
Here's the podcast link to Preach My Gospel. Here's the download link for Preach My Gospel. It's now available in 43 languages! What you won't find on any of those links, however, is this list of my own creation, so use this as you wish. If you would like the list in a pdf format, just e-mail me at dgoates@yahoo.com and I'll send you a free copy.
It is impressive to me that the "Mormon missionary playbook" is now available in published form to all the world. Anyone who wants a copy can easily obtain it at a bookstore carrying LDS products. There is no "shrouded secret doctrine" that attaches to Mormonism or our missionary outreach to the world. It's also impressive to me that the greatest number of scriptures cited come from The Book of Mormon.
There are 2,313 verses of scripture cited in Preach My Gospel
*Designates Whole Chapters Cited
Genesis 1:26-31 – Creation
Genesis 2:15-17, 24 – Agency, marriage
*Genesis 3 – Satan’s role in the fall of Adam and Eve
Genesis 14:18-20 – Melchizedek
Genesis 18:19 – Abrahamic Covenant
Exodus 4:10-12 – Moses called by God
Exodus 20:1-17 – Ten Commandments given
Exodus 31: 3-5, 12-17 – Inspiration to build tabernacle in the wilderness, Sabbath day Leviticus 27:30-33 – Tithing defined as a tenth
Deuteronomy 5:6-21 – Ten Commandments reviewed
Deuteronomy 6:7 – Teach commandments diligently to children
Joshua 24:15 – Choose whom you will serve
1 Samuel 3:10 – Samuel called by God
1 Kings 19:11-12 – The Spirit is “a still small voice”
2 Kings 5:1-14 – Story of Naaman and Elisha, his healing described
Nehemiah 8:8 – Understanding the scriptures
Psalms 24:3-4 – Clean hands, pure heart
Psalms 46:10 – Be still, know that I am God
Psalms 65:4 – God’s chosen servants are blessed
Psalms 119:105 – Thy word a lamp and a light to my path
Psalms 147:3 – He heals the broken heart and binds up their wounds
Proverbs 13:10 – Pride causes contention
Proverbs 22:6 – Train up a child in the way he should go
Proverbs 28:25 – Pride stirs up strife
Ecclesiastes 12:7, 13 – At death, spirit returns to God, keep the commandments
Isaiah 24:5 – Earth’s inhabitants have defiled it, broken covenant
Isaiah 29:4, 11-18 – BoM to speak as voice from dust, coming forth of BoM foretold
Isaiah 55:8-9 – God’s thoughts and ways higher than man’s
Isaiah 58:3-14 – Fasting, Sabbath day observance
Jeremiah 1:5 – God knew Jeremiah before he was born (pre-existence)
Ezekiel 3:17-21 – Watchman’s duty to warn the wicked
Ezekiel 33:1-12 – Watchmen who warn save their own souls
Ezekiel 37:15-17 – Sticks of Judah (Bible) and Joseph (BoM) joined in last days
Amos 3:7 – God does nothing except He reveals it to his servants the prophets
Amos 8:11-12 – A famine of hearing the word of the Lord prophesied
Malachi 3:7-12 – Tithing blessings described
Malachi 4:5-6 – Elijah’s return with sealing keys prophesied
Matthew 3:13-17 – Baptism of Christ by John the Baptist
Matthew 4:19, 23 – Christ calls Peter and Andrew, preaches in Galilee
*Matthew 5:6, 27-28, 48 – Sermon on the Mount, those who hunger and thirst after righteousness are filled, whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery already in his heart, be perfect even as your Father in Heaven
*Matthew 6:1-4, 16-18 – Sermon on the Mount continued, give secretly, fasting
*Matthew 7:7-8, 20, 24-27 – Sermon on the Mount concluded, ask in prayer, by their fruits ye shall know them, those who hear and receive build on the rock
Matthew 8:1-4 – Christ heals a leper
Matthew 9:1-8 – Christ heals a man with palsy
Matthew 10:1-10, 19-20, 22 – Christ instructs, empowers, sends forth the Twelve
Matthew 11:11 – Christ declares John the Baptist’s greatness, though he is least
Matthew 22:36-40 – Christ declares love God and neighbor, on these two commandments hang the whole law
Matthew 23:12, 23 – Those who are humble shall be exalted, do not omit weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, faith
Matthew 24: 9-11 – In last days Apostles will be killed, false prophets arise
Matthew 25: 34-46 – Judgment
Matthew 26:39 – Christ submits to His Father’s will in atonement
Matthew 27:35 – Christ is crucified, His garments parted by tormentors
Matthew 28:19 – Christ commissions Twelve Apostles to teach all nations
Mark 1:17, 21-28 – Christ calls Peter and Andrew, makes them fishers of men, He teaches in the synagogue in Capernaum with power and authority
Mark 12:1-9 – Christ gives the parable of the wicked husbandman
Mark 13:11 – Christ admonishes Twelve to speak by power of the Holy Ghost
Mark 15:25 – Christ crucified at the third hour (9:00 a.m.)
Luke 6:13 – Christ chooses Twelve Apostles
Luke 7:12-15 – Christ heals a dead man
Luke 9:1-6 – Christ sends out the Twelve to preach and heal
Luke 12:11-12 – Christ says the Holy Ghost will teach Twelve what to say
*Luke 15 – Christ gives parables of lost sheep, piece of silver, prodigal son
Luke 22:15-20 – Christ introduces the sacrament at Last Supper
Luke 24:1-10, 13-32, 36-39 – Angels announce Christ’s resurrection, He walks with two on the road to Emmaus, He appears with resurrected body of flesh and bones
John 1:1-3 – Christ is the word of God, created all things
John 3:1-11, 16-17 – Christ teaches Nicodemus he must be born again, God so loved the world that He sent His Only Begotten Son to save men
John 4:14, 46-54 – Christ is the well of living water, Christ raises dead son of nobleman at Capernaum
John 5:22, 39 – Christ, not the Father, judges all, search the scriptures
John 7:17 – If any man doeth the will of the Father, he will know the doctrine is of the Father
John 8:12 – Christ is the light of the world, follow Him
John 10:16 – Christ teaches of “other sheep” He must visit
John 13:1-16, 34-35 – Christ washes the feet of the Apostles, love one another
John 14:6, 15, 21, 26-27 – Christ is the way, truth, life, if ye love me keep my commandments, those who do love Him, Holy Ghost will teach all things, peace He leaves with us
John 15:1-16, 26 – Christ is the vine, He chooses us to bring forth fruit, Comforter testifies of Christ
John 16:8, 13-14 – Comforter will reprove the world, guide us to all truth
John 17:3 – Life eternal is to know God and Jesus Christ
John 20:31 – Scriptures written that we might believe and have eternal life
John 21:15-17 – Resurrected Christ admonishes Peter to “feed my sheep”
*Acts 2:14-39 – Peter testifies of resurrection, how to gain eternal life
Acts 3:19-21 – Peter prophesies of “restitution of all things” before Second Coming
Acts 4:23-33 – Peter and John preach with great power and authority, saints have all things in common
Acts 5:41-42 – Peter and others taught the gospel daily
Acts 8:14-17 – Holy Ghost received by the laying on of hands
Acts 10:34-44 – Peter testifies of Christ, Holy Ghost fell upon those who listened
*Acts 16:25-33 – Paul and Silas convert their jailer
Acts 17:16-34 – Paul’s discourse about false gods on Mars Hill in Athens
Acts 19:1-6 – Paul lays his hands on disciples, they receive the Holy Ghost
Acts 20:28-30 – Paul prophesies of great apostasy after he is gone
Romans 1:16, 26-32 – Paul is not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, describes the effects of Satan’s spirit
Romans 3:23 – Paul says all have sinned and come short of God’s glory
Romans 5:3-5 – Paul “glories” in tribulation
Romans 6:3-8 – Paul describes baptismal symbolism of death of sin
Romans 8:14-17, 24-26 – Paul declares we are joint-heirs with Christ, saved by intercession of the Holy Spirit
Romans 10:17 – Paul says faith comes by hearing the word of God
Romans 15:1, 13 – Paul says strong must help the weak, abound in hope
1 Corinthians 2:4-5, 9-16 – Paul says the gospel is preached by the power of the Spirit, unrepentant cannot receive the things of the Spirit
1 Corinthians 3:2, 16-17 – Paul puts milk before meat in teaching, we are temples of God’s Spirit
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 – Paul teaches we are temples of God, bought with a price
1 Corinthians 9:20-23 – Paul is all things to all whom he teaches in order to save them
1 Corinthians 11:23-29 – Paul teaches sacrament worthiness
*1 Corinthians 12:1-12, 31 – Paul discusses spiritual gifts
*1 Corinthians 13:1-8 – Paul teaches charity is pure love
1 Corinthians 14:1, 12 – Paul says desire spiritual gifts to edify the Church
1 Corinthians 15:20-23, 29, 40-42 – Paul says Christ is firstfruits of resurrection, speaks of baptism for the dead, three degrees of glory in resurrection
2 Corinthians 5:6-7 – We walk by faith, not sight
2 Corinthians 6:1-10 – Ministers of God must walk uprightly, bear all things
2 Corinthians 7:9-10 – Godly sorrow for sin leads to repentance
2 Corinthians 13:1 – In the mouth of two or three witnesses is every word established
Galatians 1:6-9 – Preachers of false gospels are accursed by Paul
Galatians 5:22-25 – Fruits of the Spirit described
Ephesians 1:10, 13-14 – Gospel to be restored in “dispensation of the fullness of times,”
saints sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise
Ephesians 2:8, 19-20 – We are saved by grace, built upon the foundation of Apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ the chief cornerstone
Ephesians 4:5, 11-14, 32 – One Lord, one faith, one baptism, Paul describes officers in the Church, be kind, tenderhearted, forgiving
Ephesians 5:3-5, 25 – Saints exhorted to be clean, husbands love wives
Ephesians 6:4 – Bring up children in nurture and admonition of the Lord
Philippians 2:7, 12 – Christ came as a servant, work out our salvation in fear and trembling
Philippians 4:8 – See the 13th Article of Faith, true, honest, just, pure, etc.
Colossians 1:23 – Continue in the faith grounded
*1 Thessalonians 2 – True missionaries preach in a godly manner, converts are their glory
1 Thessalonians 5:19-20 – Quench not the Spirit, despise not prophesyings
2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 – Apostasy to precede the Second Coming
1 Timothy 4:1-3, 12 – Paul describes latter-day apostasy, don’t despise your youth
1 Timothy 5:8 – Provide for family
2 Timothy 3:1-4, 14-17 – Paul describes latter-day apostasy, scriptures guide us
2 Timothy 4:3-4 – People of last days will not endure sound doctrine
Hebrews 1:1-3 – The Son made all things, is in the image of the Father
Hebrews 5:4, 12 – Men are called of God to the ministry, preach milk first not meat
Hebrews 6:10-20 – God swears with an oath the faithful shall be saved
Hebrews 7:1-2 – Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek
*Hebrews 11:1 – Faith the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen
Hebrews 12:9 – God is the Father of our spirits
Hebrews 13:17-18 – Sustain those in authority over us
James 1:5, 27 – If any lack wisdom, ask of God, pure religion described
James 2:17-26 – Faith without works is dead
James 5:10-11, 14-15 – Take prophets as examples of patience, anointing the sick
1 Peter 2:21 – Christ’s suffering an example for us
1 John 1:7-10 – We must confess our sins to gain forgiveness
1 John 3:4 – Sin is the transgression of the law
1 John 4:7-9 – Love one another, God is love
2 John 1:9-10 – Reject those who come unto you and do not teach correct doctrine
Jude 1:22 – Have compassion and make a difference
*1 Nephi 1:1-3 – Nephi is born of goodly parents, bears testimony of his record
1 Nephi 2:3, 16-17 – Lehi was obedient and Nephi and Sam believe their father
*1 Nephi 3:7 – The Lord prepares the way if we are obedient
*1 Nephi 4:6 – Nephi was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand what to do
*1 Nephi 5 – Plates of brass described, contain writings of Moses and other prophets, Lehi is a descendant of Joseph, Lehi prophesies about his posterity
1 Nephi 6:4-6 – Nephi writes to persuade all to come unto the God of Abraham
1 Nephi 7:12, 15 – The Lord is able to do all things if we have faith
*1 Nephi 8:10-18 – Lehi’s dream of the tree of life
1 Nephi 9:3-5 – Nephi describes differences between his small and large plates
1 Nephi 10:17-22 – Nephi desires to see the same vision as his father, he that diligently seeketh shall find
*1 Nephi 11:1-6, 17, 21-22, 32-34 – Nephi sees the vision of the tree of life, Christ’s birth in Bethlehem, Christ in his ministry in the Holy Land
*1 Nephi 12 – Nephi sees the land of promise, the future of his people, the degenerate condition of his posterity
*1 Nephi 13:20-42 – Nephi sees the discovery and colonization of America, loss of many plain and precious truths from the Bible, gentile apostasy, restoration of the gospel, coming forth of the BoM, building up of Zion in the last days
*1 Nephi 14 – Nephi learns about two churches only – the church of the Lamb of God and the church of the devil, saints are persecuted by the great and abominable church, John shall write of the end of the world
1 Nephi 15:7-11 – Laman and Lemuel harden their hearts, Nephi explains if we do not harden our hearts and ask in faith, we may know as he did
1 Nephi 16:1-3, 9-30 – Nephi declares hard things against the wicked, his brothers rebel, Liahona guides them by “small means” so God can bring to pass “great things”
1 Nephi 17:7-16, 36 – Nephi is shown how to make tools, the Lord created the earth and the children to possess it
1 Nephi 18:1-6 – Nephi builds the ship as instructed, the family boards with provisions
*1 Nephi 19:9, 22-23 – Nephi makes plates of ore, prophesies Christ will come in six hundred years, tells of His suffering, we must liken scriptures unto ourselves
*2 Nephi 2:6-8, 21-29 – Redemption comes through Christ, agency is essential, Adam fell that men might be free to choose liberty and eternal life
*2 Nephi 3:12 – Prophecies about Joseph in latter days, Bible and BoM shall grow together
2 Nephi 4:15-35 – Nephi writes the things of his soul on the small plates, laments his fallen condition but rejoices in Christ
*2 Nephi 9:1-24, 27-29, 39, 50-51 – Jacob teaches that the atonement ransoms man from the fall, resurrection a reality, atonement saves from death, hell, the devil and endless torment, righteous are saved, Holy One of Israel is keeper of the gate
2 Nephi 10:17 – The Lord fulfills all His promises
2 Nephi 25:4, 7, 23-29 – Isaiah’s prophecies will be understood in last days, Nephi describes the right way – to believe in Christ
*2 Nephi 26:13, 15-16, 20-21, 23-30 – Christ works miracles according to our faith, BoM to speak out of the dust to future generations, gentiles will build up false churches, salvation is free to all who believe, priestcrafts are forbidden
*2 Nephi 27:5 – Darkness and apostasy cover the earth in the last days like a deep sleep, BoM shall come forth with three witnesses who testify of its truthfulness, compare Isaiah 29 prophecy *2 Nephi 28:1, 4, 23, 30 – Many false churches in the last days shall teach false, vain, foolish doctrines, apostasy shall abound, devil will rage in the hearts of men, righteous are blessed
*2 Nephi 29 – Many gentiles will reject the BoM saying they have no need of more scripture, but God has covenanted with Abraham’s seed that they will be gathered and blessed in the last days
*2 Nephi 30 – Converted gentiles numbered with the covenant people, Jews and Lamanites will believe and be blessed, wicked destroyed
*2 Nephi 31 – Nephi tells why Christ was baptized, describes the path for all to follow to eternal life
*2 Nephi 32:1-5, 7-9 – Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; men must pray and gain knowledge themselves from the Holy Ghost
*2 Nephi 33:1-2, 10-15 – Nephi testifies of the truthfulness of his record, and challenges all to believe on his words because they are the words of Christ
Jacob 1:4-7 – Jacob testifies the small plates persuade all men to come unto Christ
Jacob 2:8, 28 – The word heals the wounded soul, God delights in chastity of women
Jacob 3:12 – Jacob warns against fornication
Jacob 4:1-6, 8, 12-13 – All prophets worshipped the Father in the name of Christ, the Spirit teaches truth of things as they really are and will be
Jacob 5:11-13, 61-64, 70-75 – Jacob quotes Zenos on the allegory of the tame and wild olive tree as the likeness of Israel and the gentiles, servants labor diligently to harvest the fruit of the harvest, this dispensation is the “last time” for the harvest of souls
Jacob 6:8-9 – Jacob urges that no one reject the word of God, or make a mock of the plan of salvation
Jacob 7:1-15 – Sherem, an anti-Christ, contends with Jacob, demands a sign, is stricken, was deceived
*Enos 1:1-13 – Enos prays, receives remission of his sins, the Lord promises salvation to his descendants, the Lamanites, in a future day, Enos rejoices in knowledge of resurrection
Jarom 1:2 – Jarom has little to add to that which has already been written about the plan of salvation
Omni 1:25-26 – Amaleki exhorts all to come unto Christ, offer their whole souls as an offering to him
Words of Mormon 1:3-8 – Mormon inserts the small plates of Nephi into his abridgement “for a wise purpose”
Mosiah 1:6-7 – King Benjamin testifies of the truth of the plates compiled by his predecessors
*Mosiah 2:9, 17, 41 – Open your ears, hearts, minds to understand truth, when we are in the service of our fellow beings we are in the service of God, keep the commandments
*Mosiah 3:17, 19, 23-25 – Salvation comes only through the name of Christ, natural man is an enemy to God, King Benjamin’s words will judge those who reject them
*Mosiah 4:6-12, 14-27 – Salvation comes because of the atonement, believe in God to be saved, retain a remission of your sins, impart of your substance to the poor
*Mosiah 5:1-15 – Saints become sons and daughters of Christ through faith, they are called by the name of Christ, King Benjamin exhorts them to be steadfast and immovable
Mosiah 6:1-3 – King Benjamin records the names of those who entered the covenant, and appoints priests to teach them.
Mosiah 8:3, 13-18 – Ammon reviews the teachings of King Benjamin, speaks of the gift of seership enjoyed by prophets
*Mosiah 11 – Story of wicked King Noah, Abinadi testifies, his life sought
*Mosiah 12 – Abinadi imprisoned, false priests quote scriptures, Abinadi begins teaching the Ten Commandments
*Mosiah 13:22 – Abinadi protected by divine power, teaches Ten Commandments, salvation does not come by the law of Moses alone, Christ will atone for all mankind
*Mosiah 14 – Isaiah speaks Messianically, compare Isaiah 53
*Mosiah 15:7, 9, 11-12 – How Christ is both the Father and the Son, He makes intercession and bears all transgressions, He brings to pass the resurrection, little children have eternal life
*Mosiah 16 – God redeems man from the fall, those who reject Christ remain as though no redemption had been made, Christ brings to pass the resurrection
*Mosiah 18:1-14, 17-20 – Alma preaches in private, discusses the baptismal covenant, organizes the Church of Christ, ordains priests, support themselves and teach the people
Mosiah 23:21 – The Lord chastens His people, tries their patience and faith
Mosiah 24:9-16 – The Lord visits His people in their afflictions, delivers them from bondage
Mosiah 26:18, 21-27, 30 – Blessed are the people who are willing to bear the name of Christ, His church are those who are baptized unto repentance, they are saved eternally, He will forgive those who repent
*Mosiah 27:14, 35 – Alma recounts his conversion, all mankind must be born again, Alma and sons of Mosiah seek to repair the injuries they created
*Mosiah 28:1-9 – Sons of Mosiah assured eternal life because of their desires to teach among the Lamanites, Mosiah translates the Jaredite plates with two seer stones
Alma 4:12-13 – In the church Alma sees those who are filled with pride and humility
*Alma 5:15-21, 26-29, 38, 43-49, 58, 62 – Alma poses forty-two questions to the saints, testifies of the truths he teaches, commands men to repent, names of righteous written in the book of life
Alma 6:6 – Children of God commanded to gather together to pray for the welfare of the souls of those who knew not God
*Alma 7:11-16, 23-24 – Alma teaches the people of Gideon, prophesies of Christ, admonishes them to be humble, submissive, and to ask God for what they need
Alma 8:14-16, 18-22 – The angel appears again to Alma and commends him for his faithfulness in teaching the gospel, Alma meets Amulek who receives him with joy
*Alma 9 – Alma and Amulek command the people to repent, Lamanites will eventually destroy the Nephites if they do not repent, Son of God will come soon, He will redeem those who repent and are baptized and have faith
*Alma 10:7-11, 17 – Amulek recounts how he met Alma, unrighteous lawyers and judges lay the foundation of the destruction of the people
*Alma 11:22, 40-45 – Amulek contends with another anti-Christ, Zeezrom, Christ will not save people in their sins, resurrection is universal for wicked and righteous
*Alma 12:1, 3, 7, 12-14, 21-35 – Alma continues with Zeezrom, God knows our thoughts, our words, works, thoughts condemn us, teaches the plan of redemption
*Alma 13:1-19, 23-24, 28 – Alma teaches priesthood foreordination, describes Melchizedek’s faithfulness, angels declare glad tidings of Christ’s coming, entering into God’s rest through faithfulness
*Alma 14:9-11 – Amulek and Alma constrained from preventing the death of martyrs
*Alma 15 – Alma heals Zeezrom who joins the church, many are baptized, the church prospers
Alma 16:16-17 – No inequality in the church
*Alma 17:2-4, 10-11, 19-25 – Joy of missionaries reunited, made instruments in God’s hands, Ammon becomes a servant to King Lamoni, the Lamanite king
*Alma 18:16, 20, 24-40 – Ammon perceives the king’s thoughts, the king recognizes Ammon’s power, he teaches the king the plan of redemption
*Alma 19:6 – Ammon describes the conversion process, the king’s whole household is converted, he is miraculously preserved and establishes the church among them
*Alma 20 – Lamoni’s father is also converted, Ammon’s brethren released from prison
*Alma 21 – Aaron teaches the Amalekites about Christ and the atonement, he and his brethren are imprisoned and delivered, then teach, Lamoni grants religious freedom
*Alma 22:3-23 – Aaron teaches Lamoni’s father about the creation, the fall and the plan of redemption through Christ, the king and his household are converted
Alma 23:1-6 – Aaron and his brethren have great success among the Lamanites
Alma 24:7-8 – King Lamoni thanks God for the missionaries who taught him the truth
*Alma 26:1-7, 12, 27 – Ammon glories in the Lord for their success as missionaries, the faithful are strengthened and given knowledge, by faith we may bring many souls unto Christ, God has all power and comprehends all things
*Alma 29:1-4, 8 – “O that I were an angel,” the Lord grants that all nations will hear His word in their own language, Alma glories in the Lord’s work and their success
*Alma 30:44 – Another anti-Christ, Korihor, ridicules Alma’s teachings, demands a sign, is stricken and dies, Satan had appeared to him and taught him what to say
*Alma 31:5, 26-38 – The power of the word, false and true religion contrasted, the prayer of faith taught
*Alma 32:1-16, 21, 26-43 – The word of God is likened to a seed, with nurture and care the word springs up as a tree from which we pluck the fruit of eternal life
*Alma 33:1-12 – Zenos and Zenock are quoted by Alma, principles of prayer are taught
*Alma 34:1, 8-29, 31-35, 38, 40-41 – Amulek teaches the word is in Christ, all mankind would perish except for the atonement, do not procrastinate repentance, have patience in afflictions
*Alma 35 – The word destroys the false teachings of the Zoramites, Alma grieves because of the wickedness of the people, gathers his sons to teach them
*Alma 36:17-21, 24-25 – Alma recounts his conversion, tells of his agony in sin, he was born again, if people keep the commandments they will prosper in the land
Alma 37:2, 9, 14, 17, 36-37, 44-46 – Records kept for a wise purpose, convince thousands of incorrect traditions, sacred trust to preserve the records that God may show forth his power in future generations, God will fulfill His promises, pray always over all things, Liahona a type of the Spirit to lead us to eternal life
*Alma 38:12 – Use boldness but not overbearing in teaching
*Alma 39:3-5 – Adultery is next to murder in severity
*Alma 40:11, 14, 23 – Alma describes the spirit world, all things will be restored to their proper and perfect frame in the resurrection
*Alma 41:1, 10-15 – Alma teaches about the resurrection, wickedness never was happiness; everyone receives in the resurrection the attributes and characteristics acquired in mortality
*Alma 42:2-17, 21-24, 31 – Mortality is a probationary time, the fall brought temporal and spiritual death, redemption comes through repentance, Christ atones for the sins of all who repent, all others are subject to justice, mercy comes because of the atonement, only the truly penitent are saved
Alma 49:30 – Prosperity in the church because of the heed and diligence the people gave to the word of God
Alma 53:20 – 2,000 stripling warriors of Helaman were exceedingly valiant
Alma 56:45-48 – They were taught by their mothers, and they did not doubt
Alma 57:21-27 – They obeyed and performed every word of command with exactness, they put their trust in God continually that they would be preserved
Alma 58:10-11 – They poured out their souls in prayer and received assurances from God that they would be delivered from their enemies
Alma 60:13 – Sometimes the righteous are slain that His justice may fall upon the wicked, but the righteous enter into the rest of their Lord
Alma 62:45 – Helaman and his brethren declared the word of God with much power, many people repented and were baptized
Alma 63:16 – Thus ends the thirty and ninth year of the reign of the judges
*Helaman 5:9-12, 18, 30 – Remember that it is upon the rock of Christ that we must build our sure foundation, Nephi and Lehi preached with great power and authority, the Spirit is described as “a still voice of perfect mildness, as if it had been a whisper”
Helaman 10:1-5, 17 – The Lord gives Helaman the sealing power, he is empowered to bind and loose on earth and in heaven, he is carried by the Spirit from congregation to congregation
Helaman13:3-5 – Samuel the Lamanite is promised he will have the words he should speak to the wicked inhabitants of Zarahemla
Helaman 14:15-19, 30-31 – Christ’s death brings to pass redemption for all, including the resurrection and escape from spiritual death upon condition of repentance
Helaman 15:7-8 – Repentance brings a change of heart
*3 Nephi 5:14-15 – Nephites repent and forsake their sins, Mormon writes the history of his people, Israel will be gathered from her long dispersion
*3 Nephi 16 – Christ will visit others of His lost sheep of Israel, in the latter days the gospel will go to the gentiles then to the house of Israel, Zion will come again
*3 Nephi 17:2-3, 7, 21 – Christ directs the people to ponder His words and pray for understanding, He heals their sick, He prays for them, weeps and angels minister to their little ones
*3 Nephi 18:1-25, 31-32, 36-37 – Christ introduces the sacrament among the Nephites, commands them to pray always, disciples given power to confer the Holy Ghost
*3 Nephi 19:1-13, 24 – Twelve Disciples minister among the people, pray for the Holy Ghost, they are baptized and receive the Holy Ghost and the ministering of angels, Christ prays and attests to the great faith of the people
*3 Nephi 20 – Christ performs the miracle of bread and wine and again administers the sacrament, the remnant of Jacob shall come to the knowledge of the Lord and inhabit the Americas in the latter days, Christ is the prophet like Moses, the Nephites are the children of the prophets, others of the Lord’s people shall be gathered to Jerusalem
*3 Nephi 21 – Israel shall be gathered when the BoM comes forth, the gentiles shall be established as a free people in America, they shall be saved if they believe, Israel will build the New Jerusalem and the lost tribes will return
*3 Nephi 22 – In the last days Zion and her stakes will be established, Israel will be gathered in mercy and tenderness, they will triumph, compare Isaiah 54
*3 Nephi 23:1 – Jesus approves of the words of Isaiah, commands the people to search the words of the prophets, the words of Samuel the Lamanite concerning the resurrection are added to their records
*3 Nephi 24 – Elijah shall prepare the way for the Second Coming, Christ will sit in judgment, Israel is commanded to pay tithes and offerings, compare Malachi 3
*3 Nephi 25 – At the Second Coming the proud and wicked will be burned, Elijah will return, compare Malachi 4
*3 Nephi 26:1 – Christ expounds all things from the beginning, babes and children utter marvelous things that cannot be written, those in the church have all things in common
*3 Nephi 27:1-10, 13-22, 27 – Christ commands the people to name the church after Him, He defines “the gospel,” men are commanded to repent and be baptized that they may receive and be sanctified by the Holy Ghost, they are commanded to be as He is
*3 Nephi 28:4-10 – Three Nephites desire and are given power to remain on the earth until the Second Coming, they are translated and are ministering among men
3 Nephi 29:5-6 – Wo unto those who spurn and deny the revelations of the Lord
4 Nephi 1:27 – 210 years had passed away since the coming of Christ, and now there were many churches professing to know Christ but denying most of His gospel
Mormon 3:16 – Mormon stands as “an idle witness” to the things he saw
Mormon 7:8-10 – Mormon invites the Lamanites of the latter days to believe in Christ, accept His gospel and be saved, all who believe the Bible will believe the BoM
*Mormon 8:35 – Mormon speaks prophetically to us in the latter days as if we were present, because “Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me”
Mormon 9:7-9 – Mormon speaks to those who would deny the revelations of God, for God is the same yesterday, today and forever
*Ether 3:19-20 – The brother of Jared sees the spirit body of Christ and He ministers unto him, those who have a perfect knowledge cannot be kept within the veil
*Ether 12:2, 4, 6-22, 27-28, 32-34 – Moroni recounts the wonders and marvels done by faith down through all the ages of time, faith, hope and charity are essential to salvation, Moroni saw Jesus Christ face to face
*Moroni 1 – Moroni writes for the benefit of the latter day Lamanites
*Moroni 2 – Christ gave the Nephite apostles power to confer the Holy Ghost
*Moroni 3 – Elders ordain priests and teachers by the laying on of hands
*Moroni 4 – How the elders and priests administer the sacramental bread (see also D&C 20:77)
*Moroni 5 – The manner in which the sacramental wine is administered (see also D&C 20:79)
*Moroni 6:1-5, 8-9 – Those who repent are baptized and fellowshipped, church members who repent are forgiven, meetings are conducted by the power of the Holy Ghost
*Moroni 7:3-5, 12-19, 27-28, 32-48 – Moroni offers an invitation to all to enter into the rest of the Lord, pray with real intent, the Spirit enables us to know good from evil, Satan persuades men to deny Christ, prophets manifest the coming of Christ, by faith miracles are wrought and angels appear and minister unto us, men should hope for eternal life and cleave unto charity
*Moroni 8:4-26 – Infant baptism is an evil abomination, little children are “alive in Christ,” faith, repentance, meekness and lowliness of heart, receiving the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end lead to salvation
Moroni 9:6 – Mormon admonishes Moroni to continue labor diligently, despite the hardness of the hearts of the people so they may “rest our souls in the kingdom of God”
*Moroni 10:3-18, 27-29, 34 – A testimony of the BoM comes by the power of the Holy Ghost, the gifts of the Spirit are dispensed to the faithful, spiritual gifts always accompany faith, Moroni’s words speak from the dust, come unto Christ and be perfected in Him and sanctify your souls
D&C 1:4, 17-24, 29-32, 37-38 – Revelations come as a warning voice by the voice of the Lord’s servants, the Lord testifies of the calling of Joseph Smith as His servant, Joseph Smith translated the BoM and received power to lay the foundation of the Church in the last days, those who repent will be forgiven, search the revelations, they shall all be fulfilled
D&C 3:16-20 – The Lord explains the purpose for which the plates of the BoM were preserved – that the descendants of the Lamanites might come to the knowledge of the gospel and rely upon the merits of Jesus Christ so that through repentance they could be saved
*D&C 4:2-7 – Godly attributes that qualify God’s servants for the ministry
D&C 6:7, 14-15, 22-23 – He who hath eternal life is rich, blessed are they who inquire, their minds are enlightened by the Spirit of truth, Spirit speaks peace to our minds
D&C 8:2-3, 10 – The Lord defines the spirit of revelation – He tells us in our mind and heart by the Holy Ghost, and it is the same Spirit by which Moses led the children of Israel
D&C 9:7-9 – We must study problems out in our minds, then ask if it be right and we will feel that it is right, if not it is wrong
D&C 10:4, 46-48 – Do not run faster than we have strength, the BoM contains all the parts the prophets desired in their prayers should come forth
D&C 11:11-14, 21-22, 25-26 – Christ is the light, put your trust in that Spirit, it will enlighten your mind, fill your soul with joy, you shall know all things you desire in faith, seek not to declare the word until you have obtained the word, study the word, deny not the spirit of revelation nor prophecy, treasure up in your heart until you go forth
D&C 12:8 – To assist in this work we must be humble, full of love, having faith, hope, charity, being temperate in all things
*D&C 13 – Keys and powers of the Aaronic Priesthood set forth
D&C 14:7-8 – If we keep the commandments and endure to the end we will have eternal life, if we ask the Father in the name of Christ in faith believing, we shall receive the Holy Ghost which giveth utterance, that we may stand as witnesses of all we see and hear, that we may declare repentance unto this generation
D&C 15:4-6 – The thing of greatest worth is to declare repentance to bring souls unto Christ and rest with them in the kingdom of the Father
D&C 16:4-6 -- The thing of greatest worth is to declare repentance to bring souls unto Christ and rest with them in the kingdom of the Father
D&C 17:6 – The Lord’s own testimony of the BoM
D&C 18:10-16, 32-36 – The worth of souls is great, we may testify that we have heard the Lord’s voice and know His words when we speak and testify of His words
D&C 19:15-20, 22, 26-29, 31 – The Lord describes His suffering and testifies we may escape such pain if we repent, urges milk before meat in teaching doctrine, His word to go forth in the BoM that they who receive it may believe the gospel, we are to take it to “every people that thou shalt be permitted to see,” we are to declare repentance, faith, remission of sins by baptism and the Holy Ghost
D&C 20:5-35, 37-65, 68-69, 75-79 – Sometimes referred to as the “constitution” of the Church, the Lord reviews the coming forth of the Restoration through Joseph Smith, sets forth doctrine of justification and sanctification, sets forth duties of members and priesthood holders, sacramental prayers are given (see also Moroni 4 & 5)
D&C 21:1-7, 9 – The Lord’s testimony of the calling of Joseph Smith, He will bless all who labor in His vineyard with a mighty blessing, they shall believe on the words of Joseph Smith which are given to him through the Comforter which testifies that Jesus is the Christ and was crucified by sinful men for the remission of sins unto the contrite heart
*D&C 22 – Baptism is a new and everlasting covenant, must be performed by proper authority
D&C 24:6 – It shall be given you in the very moment what you shall speak and write
D&C 25:2 – If we are faithful and walk in paths of virtue, we shall receive an inheritance in Zion
D&C 27:2, 12-13 – The sacrament emblems do not matter as much as performing the ordinance with an eye single to the glory of God, Peter, James and John ordained Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to the Melchizedek Priesthood and conferred the keys of the kingdom upon them for the dispensation of the fullness of times
D&C 28:16 – “Open thy mouth at all times, declaring my gospel”
D&C 29:7, 43-44 – We are called to gather the elect who hear the Lord’s voice and harden not their hearts, those who repent are raised in immortality unto eternal life
D&C 31:3-5, 11 – The hour of your mission has come, you shall declare the things that have been revealed to Joseph Smith, thrust in your sickle with all your soul and your sins are forgiven you, go whithersoever the Lord sends you and it shall be given you by the Comforter what you shall do and whither you shall go
D&C 32:4 – Give heed to that which is written, pray always
D&C 33:6-16 – Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand, the Church is built upon the gospel rock, the BoM is given for our instruction and the Spirit quickens all things
D&C 35:17 – The Lord testifies that He has sent forth the fullness of the gospel through Joseph Smith
D&C 36:2 – Ordinations performed by His servants, the same as if He had done it
D&C 38:1-3, 23-25, 40-42 – Jesus Christ declares Himself as the Great I AM, Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, He knows all things, He created all things, teach one another, esteem brothers as ourselves, practice virtue and holiness, everyone to labor with all their might, let preaching be a warning voice, go out from among the wicked, “be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord”
D&C 39:5-6 – “This is my gospel – repentance and baptism by water, and then cometh the baptism of the fire and the Holy Ghost, even the Comforter, which showeth all things and teacheth the peaceable things of the kingdom”
D&C 41:5 – He that receives “my law” and does it is “my disciple”
D&C 42:6, 8, 11-17, 22, 27, 29, 56-58, 61 – Go forth two by two preaching the gospel by the power of the Spirit, build up the Church, must be ordained by those in authority, teach the principles of the gospel in the Bible and BoM, in which is the fullness of the gospel, the Spirit is given to those who teach, cannot teach without it, the Comforter knows all things and bears record of the Father and the Son, cleave unto thy wife and none else, do not speak evil of your neighbor nor harm him, serve the Lord, keep His commandments, teach the scriptures to all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, if you ask you shall receive revelation upon revelation
D&C 43:15-16 – We are not sent forth to be taught, but to teach, sanctify yourselves that ye may be endowed with power from on high
D&C 45:3-5, 8, 56-57 – Christ is our Advocate with the Father, the wise take the Holy Spirit for their guide and have not been deceived and will abide the day of the Second Coming
D&C 46:2, 8-33 – Elders to conduct meetings as directed and guided by the Holy Spirit, seek the gifts of the Spirit
D&C 47:4 – It is given by the Comforter what to write
D&C 49:15-16, 26-28 – Marriage ordained of God, repent and ask and we will receive, the Lord will be in our midst and we shall not be confounded
D&C 50:13-22, 29-30 – Elders are to preach the gospel by the Spirit, preachers and hearers need to be enlightened by the Spirit, if we are purified and cleansed whatever we ask shall be done
D&C 52:3-4, 9-10, 40 – If faithful the Lord will reveal what to do, go two by two preaching the word by the way as given by the Comforter, remember the poor
D&C 53:3 – Preach faith and repentance and remission of sins and reception of the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands
D&C 58:21, 26-33, 42-43 – Keep the laws of the land, not meet that the Lord should command in all things, do many things of our own free will, you may know if a man repents because he will confess his sins and forsake them
D&C 59:5-6, 9-16, 23 – Ten Commandments, Sabbath day worship, those who are faithful receive eternal life
D&C 60:1-5, 7-8 – Open your mouths, don’t hide talent, the Lord is able to make us holy and our sins are forgiven if we are faithful servants
D&C 61:1-4, 21-22 – The Lord is merciful and forgives those who confess their sins with a humble heart, doesn’t matter how we take our journey
D&C 62:3-8 – If faithful as servants, angels rejoice in our testimonies, our sins are forgiven, the kingdom is ours and the Lord is with us always
D&C 63:9-12, 41, 57-58 – Signs come by faith, follow those who believe, Joseph given power of discernment, this is a day of warning, not a day of many words
D&C 67:10 – The Lord promises we shall see Him and know that He is if we are humble
D&C 68:1-6, 25-30 – Servants are to speak as moved upon by the Holy Ghost, be of good cheer, the Lord is with us and will stand by us
D&C 71:1 – Open your mouths and expound the scriptures according to the portion of the Spirit, and power will be given you
D&C 75:2-11, 19, 26-27 – Faithful elders who preach the gospel will gain eternal life, pray to receive the Comforter, leave blessings on houses you visit, ask and it shall be given where to go
*D&C 76: 5-10, 22-24, 40-42, 50-70, 75, 79 – The Lord is merciful and gracious to faithful servants who shall receive eternal glory, by His Spirit will they be enlightened, they will know the secrets of His will, Joseph and Sidney bear record of the Only Begotten of the Father who created all things, “the gospel” is defined, the celestial glory defined, terrestrial beings were blinded by craftiness of men and were not valiant in the testimony of Jesus
D&C 79:1-2 – Elders to proclaim glad tidings, and the Lord will send the Comforter to teach them the truth and the way they shall go
D&C 80:4 – Declare what you know to be true
D&C 82:8-10 – The Lord is bound when we do what He says
D&C 84:19-20, 43-47, 61, 64-76, 85, 88 – Melchizedek Priesthood holds key of the mysteries of the kingdom, even the key of the knowledge of God, the word of the Lord is truth, light, Spirit, and the Spirit gives light to every man, everyone who hearkens comes unto the Father who teaches him the covenant, we are forgiven as we bear testimony, those who believe shall do many wonderful works, treasure up the word continually and it will be given in the very hour what is needed, the Lord promises He will go before our face, be on our right hand and on our left with His Spirit in our hearts and His angels round about us to bear us up
D&C 85:6-7 – One mighty and strong shall give the saints their inheritances in Zion
D&C 86:1-3 – The Lord gives the meaning of the parable of the wheat and the tares
D&C 88:3, 27-32, 41-47, 76-81, 118-119, 125 – Faithful saints receive the Holy Spirit of promise, celestial beings described, the Lord comprehends all things, continue in fasting and prayer, teach diligently, sent to testify and warn the people, teach one another words of wisdom, seek from best books, organize yourselves, clothe yourselves in charity
*D&C 89:18-21 – Promise of the Word of Wisdom, to find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge and the destroying angel passes over them
D&C 90:11, 24 – Everyone to hear the gospel in his own tongue, search diligently, pray always, be believing
D&C 93:19, 29 – Scriptures given so we may understand how to worship, man was “intelligence” in the beginning with God and is neither created or made
D&C 95:8-9 – Command to build a temple in Kirtland
D&C 97:8 – Those who observe their covenants by sacrifice are accepted by the Lord
D&C 98:5, 11-12 – Saints to befriend the constitutional law of the land, forsake evil, cleave unto all that is good, the Lord gives understanding line upon line, precept upon precept
D&C 100:4-8 – Speak the thoughts the Lord puts into your hearts, it shall be given in the very moment what to say, the Holy Ghost will bear record
D&C 101:38, 78 – Seek the face of the Lord always, in patience you will receive eternal life, every man to act in doctrine and principle
D&C 104:81 – The Lord will soften hearts and take away thoughts to bring affliction upon His servants
D&C 105:6 – People are chastened until they learn obedience
*D&C 107:99-100 – Let every man learn his duty and act in the office in which he is appointed, slothful not counted worthy to stand
D&C 109:13-15, 21-30, 38-39, 55-57 – Those who enter temple may feel the Lord’s power and be taught from the best books, receive a fullness of the Holy Ghost, His servants prevail over their enemies, His servants receive the testimony of the covenant and have power to gather the faithful out of every city, the hearts of all softened
D&C 110:14-16 – Elijah appears in the Kirtland Temple, delivers sealing keys
D&C 112:5, 10, 28, 30 – Let the warning voice go forth, be humble, purify your hearts, preach gospel to every creature, the First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles are given the power of the priesthood
*D&C 119 – Law of tithing explained
*D&C 120 – First Presidency, Twelve Apostles and Presiding Bishopric established as the committee on disposition of the tithes
D&C 121:34-46 – Why many are called, few chosen, priesthood must always be used only in righteousness
D&C 123:12-14 – Many blinded by subtle craftiness only because they do not know where to find the truth, we should waste and wear out our lives to find and teach them
D&C 124:4, 22-42 – Let spirit of meekness be in you, command to build the Nauvoo Temple
D&C 127:4 – Let the effort in the work be redoubled
*D&C 128:1, 16-18 – Revelation on baptisms for the dead, establishing a “welding link” with generations who have died
D&C 130:19-23 – Those who gain more knowledge and light in this life will have an advantage in the life to come, all blessings are based upon obedience to law, Father and Son have bodies of flesh and bones, Holy Ghost is a personage of spirit
*D&C 131:1-4, 6 – Three degrees of glory in the celestial kingdom, must enter the patriarchal order to enter the highest degree, impossible to be saved in ignorance
*D&C 132:7, 12, 18-20, 26 – All covenants must be sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise “of him who is anointed,” “my word is my law,” promises of celestial marriage explained
D&C 135:3 – Joseph Smith has done more for the salvation of men in this world than any other man who ever lived
D&C 136:32-33, 36-38 – Learn wisdom by humbling yourself, the Lord’s Spirit enlightens the humble and contrite, the Lord again testifies of Joseph Smith’s calling
*D&C 137:9 – The Lord judges all men according to works and desires
*D&C 138:1-11, 14, 32-34, 53-56 – Joseph F. Smith’s vision of the spirit world, how the missionary work is organized there
Moses 1:39 – God’s work to bring to pass immortality and eternal life
Moses 2:1, 26-31 – The Father created all things by His Only Begotten Son, male and female created in His image
Moses 3:5, 7, 15-17 – All things were created spiritually before they were naturally upon the earth including man, Adam and Eve commanded not to partake of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but were given agency to choose
*Moses 4:19-31 – How Satan became the devil, he tempts Eve, Adam and Eve fall, death enters the world
Moses 5:4-12, 55-59 – Adam and Eve bring forth children, Adam offers sacrifice, serves God, the gospel to be in the world until the end
Moses 6:6, 55-63 – Many who called upon God for inspiration were taught to write, and they taught their children to read and write, the reasons for baptism as part of the plan of salvation explained
Moses 7:62 – Righteousness and truth will sweep the earth in the last days
Moses 8:19-30 – Noah and the Flood described
Abraham 3:22-26 – Abraham sees “the noble and great ones” in the pre-existence, those who kept their first estate are added upon
Joseph Smith History 1:8-19, 27-64 – The First Vision, Moroni appears to Joseph and tells him of the BoM, Moroni instructs him
Articles of Faith 3-5, 12-13 – Atonement, first principles and ordinances, priesthood callings come by prophecy and the laying on of hands, we are subject to the laws of the lands and leaders, we believe and seek after all that is good
Topical Guide:
Apostasy of the Early Christian Church
Holy Ghost, Comforter, Gift of
Man, Antemortal Existence of
Scriptures, Study of, Value of
Bible Dictionary:
Ephraim, Stick of
Holy Ghost
Light of Christ
Thanks for all of your hard work compiling this list. It will really help my scripture study!
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure, be sure to share it as you wish - if you'd like the pdf version, just ping me at dgoates@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteThank you so very much! My husband and I are serving FT Mission for Ogden utah this is awesome! Please let us know if you think Scripture sticks is also pretty good :-) Sheila1 hunter@gmail.com thank you so Much! Sorry Siri is being crazy :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for your interest, Sheila, enjoy your mission! All the best.
ReplyDeleteThis is the best! I was about to focus my scripture study in this way, and have spent a couple of weeks gradually putting together a list. Just had this feeling today I should search out anyone who has already done it. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteHappy to help - if you would like the file in pdf, just send me your e-mail address at dgoates@yahoo.com, happy to send it along to you!
ReplyDeletePrior posts reflect my feelings as well. THANKS for all of the hard work and THANKS for putting it out here for so many to benefit. I have been working on an outline of the Book of Mormon and a method to remember where passages are. I wanted to incorporate the scriptures from Preach My Gospel. This is just what I needed. Inspiration is recognized and appreciated.
ReplyDeleteThank you, it is always good hear from those who love the scriptures!
ReplyDeleteWow! Thank you! This will be a great resource for helping my sons get ready for their missions.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment - I wish you well. . .
ReplyDeleteThanks bunches. I was attempting to compile a list and discovered yours! I greatly appreciate all your effort! My husband and I are studying from PMG in preparation to serve in a few years. Thanks and ever thanks
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking the time to comment. I wish you well in your studies and your preparation to serve.
DeleteThank you for your contribution! We were looking how to get organized before our mission and this will help us so much!!Thank you !!!
ReplyDeletethank you for sharing,
ReplyDeleteI have sent a request for a pdf copy. Hopefully you have recieved it. Thank you for the blessing of your work. Chaplain Michael L Benedict